Month: February 2022

Donut Bucket List: Twins Donuts

Donut Bucket List: Twins Donuts

My donut bucket list adventures usually begin with a journey. Whether it be by car or by bus they all involve some degree of travel. Not so anymore as Twins Donuts is a comfortable walk from my house! There is a small degree less guilt 

Valentine’s Day Outfits

Valentine’s Day Outfits

Now, I have been trying to stick to a more intentional sewing schedule but that got a little out of whack with the making of these Valentine’s Day outfits. To be fair I needed to make something for the Minvera blog and I already had 

Thinking About.. Posy Rings

Thinking About.. Posy Rings

On the good old Instagram I scrolled past this meme. Firstly, I thought the ring was so beautiful. Then I laughed at the joke and then got a bit sad that no one is inscribing beautiful rings for me. So I saved the Instagram post 

Donut Bucket List: Donuteria

Donut Bucket List: Donuteria

Is it even a weekend if you don’t get donuts? I mean technically yes but you have to agree a weekend is improved with the addition of Donuts! I’d heard really mixed reviews of Donuteria so I was excited to see for myself. Side note 

Ardent Valentine’s Day Card

Ardent Valentine’s Day Card

Making this card felt like coming home. I love designing fun cards for Christmas and Valentine’s Day! With the last couple of years being plague years I just didn’t have any inspiration or motivation to even try. So instead of forcing it I just let