Month: February 2019

Apple Roses

Apple Roses

Do you know what’s better than a bouquet? A bouquet you can eat! Forego flowers for little delicious flaky pastry cinnamon apple rose goodness. I’ve seen these all over the place but I just assumed making apple roses was difficult so I never thought about 

Friendly Valentine’s Day Card

Friendly Valentine’s Day Card

If you’ve been reading this blog for two seconds you probably know how much I love any excuse to send people cards. I love it a lot okay. I won’t apologize for it. Valentine’s day is the best holiday for card making/giving because people already 

Monster’s Inc Day!

Monster’s Inc Day!

Bless Instagram for bringing it to my attention that there is an unofficial Monsters Inc Day! February 3rd, 2019 is 2/3/19 or 2319! It’s a little confusing since we all write dates differently but there you have it 2319! Or 3219 to some but let’s