Summer Reading Bingo

Summer Reading Bingo

I just absolutely adored the little spring reading checklist I made for myself on Instagram. It helped me make the most of the season and motivated me to continue reading. Naturally, being me I escalated things for summer. Initially, I found a pre-made reading bingo template online and asked one friend to do it with me. By the end of the next day, I had designed my summer reading bingo card in Canva and invited 8 people to participate. You might think that would be enough but I was not done yet. By the end of the next week, I had made each participant up a little gift packet. It’s pretty on-brand for me but I think it’s such a good idea I had to share it here. 



Summer Reading Bingo Sheet


Summer Reading Bingo 2023 FREE DOWNLOAD



Reading tabs, stickers, and oens


For a variety of reasons if you are reading this I can’t make up a lovely reading package for you but there is nothing stopping you from making one for yourself. Here are the things I included in mine: a PDF printout, stickers to mark off each segment (bonus if they are blank so you can write in the book you read), book tabs, a nice pen, and transparent Post-it notes for annotating.


I really hope you join me in summer reading bingo! please tag me if you do.


Happy Reading!
