Seattle + MOPOP in One Day

Seattle + MOPOP in One Day

Will I go to great lengths to not have to drive in Seattle? Yes, yes I will. I did it once after an ice/snowstorm and it scarred me for life. However, my best friend and I were both incredibly dedicated to visiting the LAIKA exhibit 

Birthday Book Haul

Birthday Book Haul

This year I turned thirty, I am trying to be a strong independent woman about it, but I’m just not there yet and I don’t really want to talk about it. What I will talk about is what I did for my birthday! I commandeered 

Best of Summer 2022!

Best of Summer 2022!

It’s been one for the books, both wonderful and full of sunshine. This summer has not been without its struggles but here isn’t the place for that kind of talk. This is a place for celebrating all the best of the season. These are humble 

Budget Bookish – Little Free Library

Budget Bookish – Little Free Library

I love books, they are some of my most prized possessions. Throughout my life, I’ve had a lot of moves (like 20+) and in a lot of those moves, we were limited to a 50-pound suitcase. Books, are heavy and often get left behind when 

Spring Bucket List: Update

Spring Bucket List: Update

I’m ever so happy I made this list. The months have flown by and if I hadn’t had the direction of this list to guide me I believe it would have all passed me by. Spring is a weird season and in BC we’ve had 

Spring Bucket List

Spring Bucket List

The Beatles were onto something when they sang “It’s been a long, cold, lonely, winter.” this past winter has been pretty garbage. Well, I don’t want to dwell on it too much winter felt like it went on forever and was mostly bleak and awful. 

The Best of January 2021

The Best of January 2021

  Back in my 2021 Goals post, I mentioned how I wanted to focus in on the bright and positive things in the year. Not to downplay the more difficult things that come up in life but rather to shift my focus. I know for myself 

Three Cheers for Root Beer!

Three Cheers for Root Beer!

Let’s be real, trying to make plans with your favourite people sometimes feels like an impossible task. Does anyone work a 9-5 anymore? I for sure do not, or have ever. So a couple of my best people threw out that A ROOT BEER FESTIVAL