Month: September 2018

The Ul-TOMATO betrayal

The Ul-TOMATO betrayal

You know that optimism starting a garden for the summer? Planting seeds and little sprouts getting all excited about how healthy and insta-glam you are going to be with your fresh veggies. Specifically for me, I love love love fresh garden tomatoes.  I know it’s 

Hooray for Hummus!

Hooray for Hummus!

Let’s just cut to the chase here, does anyone else put hummus on their toast? Cause I do and didn’t really think too much of it. Apparently, it’s really weird. I don’t see why, toast is delicious, hummus is delicious, together they are more delicious. 

Mini Oreo Cheesecake!

Mini Oreo Cheesecake!

Do you ever just think of a specific food and then you have no peace until you can eat it? Please tell me it’s not just me. Regardless, at any given moment I will be craving cheesecake and this particular day I just really really