Scavenger Smoothie

Scavenger Smoothie

On the illustrious road of trying to be a successful adult who eats well and saves money, I stumble more times than I run. Case in point I got so excited about returning from vacation and buying my own groceries that I spent all my 

Movies To Eat Cheese With

Movies To Eat Cheese With

Christmas has come and gone and like usual I am left with a surplus of cheese and accompanying snacks. The thing I love most about the holidays is my family spends Christmas Eve or Boxing Day making a giant charcuterie board and eating to our 

IT’S PI(E) DAY 2022

IT’S PI(E) DAY 2022

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve made a post for Pi(e) Day, let’s just say the sense of impending doom and two years of isolation and fear zapped all my energy. Who would have thought it? Global events that upend life as you know 

Lee’s Donuts

Lee’s Donuts

Is it even your birthday if you don’t get donuts? Hardly. I turned the unclimactic 29 this year. I am NOT thinking about this being the last year of my twenties. Absolutely NOT worried at all about that. Jokes about aging aside I’m incredibly thankful 

Donut Bucket List: Twins Donuts

Donut Bucket List: Twins Donuts

My donut bucket list adventures usually begin with a journey. Whether it be by car or by bus they all involve some degree of travel. Not so anymore as Twins Donuts is a comfortable walk from my house! There is a small degree less guilt 

Donut Bucket List: Donuteria

Donut Bucket List: Donuteria

Is it even a weekend if you don’t get donuts? I mean technically yes but you have to agree a weekend is improved with the addition of Donuts! I’d heard really mixed reviews of Donuteria so I was excited to see for myself. Side note 

Donut Bucket List: Their There

Donut Bucket List: Their There

Second donut adventure of 2022! This place has been on and off my list for a while. This past weekend I found myself in one of my most favourite places: Granville Island! Normally a Granville Island jaunt would take me right to Lees Donuts! This 

Donut Bucket List: Mr Paris Bakery

Donut Bucket List: Mr Paris Bakery

If you follow me on Instagram or have had a few conversations with me then chances are you know I’m more than a little obsessed with donuts. By far my favourite treat! I’m lucky that Vancouver and surrounding cities have an ever-growing donut scene. To 

Thinking About..Victoria Sponge Cake

Thinking About..Victoria Sponge Cake

Anyone who travels knows the bittersweet frustration of having a special dish or drink while away and then trying desperately to find it once you return to your home country. When I was 17 my family moved to England and I lived there with them 

The Best of January 2021

The Best of January 2021

  Back in my 2021 Goals post, I mentioned how I wanted to focus in on the bright and positive things in the year. Not to downplay the more difficult things that come up in life but rather to shift my focus. I know for myself