Spring Reading Wishlist

Spring Reading Wishlist

Truthfully, my TBR list is so large even I think it’s time to chill on the book-buying. However, I am a book goblin who is never satisfied and wants to have a massive hoard of books. I’m making a little blog post to balance these polar opposite instincts with all the beautiful books I want to buy for spring. That way if I do end up buying some (maaaaaaybe not all) of these books I will have maximized the happiness factor with anticipation. Let’s get into my spring reading wishlist.


Shady Hollow

Shady Hollow


I have had this book o my wishlist for years! Maybe it’s just so far back on the list I forget to grab it. But the cover looks adorable and I am somewhat baselessly hoping this is the Wind in the Willows meets Agatha Christie. This is as assumption about the book I have made just by looking at the cover. Either way forest animals solving crime sounds like the perfect book for spring.


Howl’s Moving Castle

Howl's Moving Castle


I’ve seen the Ghibli movie, I love the Ghibli movie but recently I’ve been seeing a lot of quotes or reviews of the books and I want to delve back into that magical world. The movie is very ‘spring’ flavoured and I am going to assume there must be some of that in the book as well.


Half a Soul

Spring Reading Wishlist Half a Soul


This book has been described as Pride and Prejudice meets Howl’s Moving Castle. Might want to save this unit after I read Howl’s Moving Castle. Might want to save this until I’ve read Howl’s Moving Castle just in case I don’t like it. My best friend recommended this book to me and I trust her suggestions. I think this will be a nice light-hearted spring read.


Secret Garden


Right, ok technically I already own this book, but I don’t have this EXTREMELY cute Barnes & Noble collectors edition. So, it goes on the list. I *could* just re-read the copy I already have, because it is a darling read for spring, but my thrifted copy isn’t this sweet.


Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries

Spring reading wishlist Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries


The year has been a Renaissance for my personal love of fairies. Baby Hannah was ALL about that magical fairy life. I had tons of books and wrote tiny letters and left them in the forest for fairies. Yup, I was a big old fairy nerd. It was wonderful. This book seems like a fun way to reconnect with that childhood obsession.


A Far Wilder Magic

A Far Wilder Magic


The cover. That is why I want to read this. That is all I know about it.


Mrs Dalloway

Mrs Dalloway


I read a book in which the character lists Mrs Dalloway as a perfect short novel. I like to throw a more, excuse the term, intellectual read. Since this is on my list and takes place in Spring it feels like a good fit.


Green Glass House

Green Glass House


I told myself I wasn’t going to read middle-grade books anymore, but I might make an exception for this one. I did actually read the little blurb on this one but once again the main reason it is on this list is because the cover made me fall in love. It brought me back to that feeling when you are a kid and you see a book cover so compelling you just NEED to read it.


Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland


I shocked myself when I realized I’ve never actually read this book. Then surprise surprise, I found a really beautiful edition and voila! here it is on the spring reading wishlist. I’m still a little flabbergasted I have never read this. What a wonderful revelation. I get to read something for the first time!


A Poem for Every Spring Day

A Poem for Every Spring


Well, well, well, a book of spring poetry with a darling book cover? You already know I’m a shallow ‘will judge a book by it’s cover’ reader. I really didn’t have much affinity for poetry until the past year and a bit. Now I like to have some prose mixed into all the other fluff I read. Excited for some springtime poetry magic.


Spring Reading Wishlist

In the process of writing this I had to face up to how many book choices I make because the cover looks great. Oh well, we all have our faults. I do have to laugh at myself a little for it. Hope you enjoyed this list, we’ll see how many of these I actually read from this spring reading wishlist.


I’d love to hear what you are reading this spring.





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