2022 Goals Recap

2022 Goals Recap

Another year has come and gone, and unsurprisingly, it did not at all how I expected. I really enjoy taking some time to unpack the last 12 months while planning and looking ahead to the next year. What worked for me this past year? What held me back? Those kinds of things. I gotta say looking back this year has been one of almost hibernation for me. I think I really retreated back into my own space to collect my thoughts and calm my anxieties enough to move from surviving to thriving. I think I needed some time to just feel calm and safe. My biggest takeaway from 2022 is that if you need rest get rest. Get more rest than you think you need. That being said I still did *some* things. So let’s get into my 2022 goals recap!


Goal 1: Health


Do you know what makes this type of goal really challenging? Having a bunch of hereditary health risks pop up all over your family. This is really hard for me to talk about because it is very personal and makes me feel very fragile. It’s difficult to make better choices for yourself if you hate yourself even just a little bit. So I really struggled this year to keep up with my health goal. Because it’s scary to think of yourself as a ticking time bomb of poor health. You feel defeated before you even start.


Achieving a goal is great, but so is picking yourself back up and trying again to pursue that goal when things knock you down. Sure, I would like to have accomplished more but there are better, healthier habits I’ve still managed to build for myself. Here are my proudest takeaways:


  1. I drink enough water every dayThis has just become so built into my day that I don’t even think about it. Drinking enough water every day just makes everything feel better.
  2. I love the way I lookI like my appearance and feel more positively about my looks than I ever have since the age of 13. Focusing in
    on doing positive things for myself gave me a better appreciation for my body.
  3. I sleep betterI won’t harp on about this too much but routine, routine, routine! We basically know, or have some idea, what we should be doing to get the proper amount of sleep. Turn off screens, lower core body temp, wake up at the same time, etc.) I’m nowhere near perfect at this but now I KNOW exactly what to do when my sleep schedule starts to veer off track.
  4. I went to the gym!I thought I would never set foot in a gym. Ever. I just don’t know how anything works and I’m anxious everyone will look at me and judge me. The prospect was just WAY too intimidating. But then my coworker, who also hasn’t been to the gym, asked if I’d go with them to our work gym. So I said yes and now we go every week. It is scary and I don’t know what a lot of the machines do and I’m still anxious people are judging me but more than that every time I go I’m proud of myself.

Goal 2: Make Nine

hand draws list of Make Nine 2022 goals recap


Ahahahhahahahaha this was NOWHERE near complete. I have made peace with that. It was an excellent source of inspiration and I loved making it but yeah, I did not make all of these. (Made a heck ton of other things though. Distraction ftw.)

YOu can read all about it in more detail here: MAKE NINE RECAP. In the simplest terms, I made four patterns and hacked another to be the fifth pattern basically.


Goal 3: Generocity

Remind me not to give myself such an abstract goal because I am not even sure how to gauge how well this went. Like I said I really focused in on myself and meeting my own emotional/physical/spiritual needs this year. I will say I did make pretty concerted efforts to be generous and think of others but I didn’t suddenly become s saint.


Round Up of Goals Recap

Definitely some lukewarm results here. Can’t help but laugh a little bit. However, I started this year in such a dark place and I’m ending it feeling safe, cared for, and excited about the possibilities that are waiting for me in 2023!

Bring on the new year! Let’s do wonderful things!

