Tag: true bias

2021 Goals Revisited

2021 Goals Revisited

The year is winding down and its come that time I get reflective on the past 12 months. I don’t think anyone will deny it’s been a difficult year. We are still in the midst of this pandemic and I think plague fatigue is really 

Jersey Journey

Jersey Journey

Did you ever buy a pattern for an ‘advanced beginner’ and wonder just what exactly an advanced beginner even is? As odd and unspecific as that title maybe I think that is how I categorize myself. Very much still a beginner in this world of 

2021 Goals

2021 Goals

I am a person who loves goals and challenges, but quiet ones. Does that make sense? Let me try and explain,  I like my New Years resolutions to be small changes that push me into being a better person. Don’t expect to see me training