Tag: DIY

A Year of Crafting: Perfume

A Year of Crafting: Perfume

I love New Year’s resolutions, or as I tend to do them New Year’s Goals. I spent a lot of time trying to think of the best goal for 2023. It all came down to this question: What is it that makes me joyful to 

Jersey Journey

Jersey Journey

Did you ever buy a pattern for an ‘advanced beginner’ and wonder just what exactly an advanced beginner even is? As odd and unspecific as that title maybe I think that is how I categorize myself. Very much still a beginner in this world of 

Mini Elsa Scrunchie

Mini Elsa Scrunchie

I wasn’t going to post this tutorial because there are so many scrunchie tutorials out there and it’s doubtful that the internet needs one more. ( We’ve even made one on here! Back when we were first learning to sew!) But these cute little things 

Hallo-Week Day 5: James May

Hallo-Week Day 5: James May

As someone that knows next to nothing about cars, it may come as a bit of a surprise the last costume before Halloween is of car show presenter James May but hear me out. Are this post and this costume just because he is my 

Hallo-week Day 4: Karen Smith.. I mean a mouse

Hallo-week Day 4: Karen Smith.. I mean a mouse

Day 4! The perfect costume if you kinda want to have a sexier costume but don’t want to be basic. Go for this meta sexy Halloween costume. Unlike a few of the past costumes, this one is incredibly easy to assemble with items you might 

Hallo-week Day 3: Nacho Libre

Hallo-week Day 3: Nacho Libre

Hello and welcome to day 3 of Hallo-week. Now, this costume might take comfy to the utter extreme. If you’ve ever said something along the lines of “I don’t want to dress up I would rather just wear sweatpants.” GOOD NEWS this costume is just 

Hallo-week Day 2: Bart Curlish

Hallo-week Day 2: Bart Curlish

Today’s costume is potentially a little niche but Dirk Gently is on Netlflix and it is absolutely amazing and everyone should watch it. I’ve already watched both seasons multiple times and just writing about it is making me want to watch it all again.  Hallo-week: 

Hallo-week Day 1: Marion Ravenwood

Hallo-week Day 1: Marion Ravenwood

Dressing up in costumes is basically my favourite thing to do. So when it became clear this Halloween wasn’t going to be what I hoped (DAMMIT COVID WHY CAN’T WE HAVE NICE THINGS) I knew I had to do something to make is special. So, 

Me-Made-Monday: Marigold Camisole

Me-Made-Monday: Marigold Camisole

  Hello Readers, forgive me if it’s been a while but you know how pandemic life goes. Are you like me you are having a few days *cough* weeks of living it up in pyjamas and feeling somehow bored and also completely exhausted? What’s keeping 

Sew-cial Isolating: Watson Bra

Sew-cial Isolating: Watson Bra

I’m not going to talk too much about Covid19, let’s start there, I think we’ve all heard enough about it at this point and I am in no way qualified to give helpful advice. If you need that I would redirect you to the amazing