Mini Elsa Scrunchie

Mini Elsa Scrunchie

I wasn’t going to post this tutorial because there are so many scrunchie tutorials out there and it’s doubtful that the internet needs one more. ( We’ve even made one on here! Back when we were first learning to sew!) But these cute little things just made me happy. Because of this, you guys are now getting my scrunchie tutorial! Sorry, no sorry. I was out doing some shopping with my Aunt when we saw these blue velvet scrunchies in Lulu Lemon. We both really liked them but both agreed there was no way we’d spend $14 on two scrunchies.

Fortunately, I have a sewing machine and it’s easy as pie to make your own. Scrunchies are often offered up as the holy grail of projects to use up scraps. So it was a bit funny to me that I went out and bought new fabric to make my scrunchies. But my Aunt really loved the blue velvet and I wanted to recreate that for her. Velvet is delightful and I can’t help but be reminded of Elsa from Frozen. Now let’s get to sewing these mini Elsa scrunchies!


Supplies and Prep for Scrunchies 


Elsa Scrunchies Supplies

I bought a 1/4 yard of stretch blue velvet fabric and elastic. Lucky me it was super discounted fabric so it ended up only costing about $5. Word of warning this fabric frays everywhere. Just be prepared to have fluff everywhere when you cut your pieces out. Prep for these is super easy!

Cut out strips that are 5cm X 40cm.


To make cutting out the pieces easier cut the large piece to the proper length, then fold up the piece, mark with pen at each width, then just make a quick cut.


Scrunchie Pieces

This makes it easier to get even pieces and minimizes the risk of the pieces stretching.

With right sides together sew up each piece of fabric lengthwise.

scrunchies proccess

Turn out the tube so the right sides are out and the seam is hidden on the inside.

Next, cut out each piece of elastic to 17mm.


scrunchies process

Thread elastic through the fabric, Loop elastic around and attach into a circle.

Fold under one edge and place over the raw edge.

Stitch down to secure the edge.

(There are neater ways to sew up a scrunchie but this is quick and simple.) 

Final Scrunchies


Mini Elsa Scrunchie

If you’re going to make scrunchies I would highly recommend making a big batch. Once you’re making one it’s not much more work to make five to ten. I especially like these mini scrunchies and the fact that they remind me of Elsa make them all the more magical. I made a bunch so my Aunt can have some and I can have some! We’re both ready to rock these mini Elsa scrunchies! 



If you want a throwback to some early Mostly Doing Okay post check out our first attempt at Scrunchies!