IT’S PI(E) DAY 2019!

IT’S PI(E) DAY 2019!

It is once again that blessed day, that best of all days, Pi Day. If I am being honest March has really gotten away from me and this Pi Day snuck up on me. I was not at all prepared. Luckily I always have a list of pies I want to eat. Ages ago someone made a butterscotch trifle-type dessert for a dinner party. It blew my mind! I’ve pretty much been craving it ever since but have been too lazy/forgetful to get around to it. 

Listen, I completely wanted to take the easy way out and just use boxed pudding for filling this Pi(e) day. I went to three stores and they all betrayed me! Lots of vanilla and chocolate but no butterscotch. Did butterscotch become a hated flavour and I just didn’t know about it? If you think you don’t like butterscotch give it another go because it is lovely. 

Ok, one day I sincerely hope I will take a photo of ingredients that is actually correct. Today is not that day. I looked at so many different recipes before deciding on this one: TheBakingChocolatess. SOME of them need cornstarch but this one is not one of them. Oops, now you know not to buy it.  What You’ll ACTUALLY need:

  •  Pie crust or tart shells 
  • 1 Cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/3 Cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 Cups whole milk
  • 4 Large egg yolks
  • ¼ Tsp salt
  • 1 Tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 Tsp vanilla 
  • 3 Tbsp butter 


First, pre-bake the crust following the directions on the whichever package of crust or tart shells you choose to use. 

The more I bake the more I realize most things look unappetizing until they are done. So don’t be discouraged if the process seems like it’s not going well. Most likely going to taste delicious in the end. Add the brown sugar, flour, milk, egg yolks, salt, maple syrup, and vanilla into a pot. 

Heat up the mixture while whisking the ingredients together. It looks pretty bleak at first but keep going. Medium heat until the mixture thickens and bubbles. 

Remove the pot from the heat and add in the 3 tbsp of butter one at a time. 

This part was a little strange to me but you pour the mixture into a bowl and then place that bowl into either a larger bowl or a sink with some ice water in it. Mix it for 2-3 minutes to cool down the butterscotch filling. 

Fill each tart shell with butterscotch filling. They should even themselves out a little but if they don’t tap them a few times on a counter. Cover with plastic wrap and chill them in the fridge for a few hours. 

Once the mini pies have set (I know they are technically tarts but to me, they are always mini pies) top them with some whip cream and dig in! Happy this Pi(e) day has snuck up on me otherwise I might never have tried making this pie!

Happy Pi(e) Day everyone! 


P.s. If you hate wasting egg white when a recipe only needs egg yolks you can use them and the extra tart shells to make some mini quiches.