DIY: Comic Book Magnet

DIY: Comic Book Magnet

Do you know when you make big plans for yourself and get really excited and motivated? Yeah, that was me at the start of March. I’m still excited and motivated but let’s say things didn’t go to plan. For one thing, a situation arose that meant I had a surprise nine-day work week. (Caffeine is my friend) So I straight up just haven’t had any time to do much of anything that isn’t working, sleeping, or showering. I’ve been frustrated wanting to work on these projects I have lined up but just haven’t been able to. *Sigh* BUT I like to think there is a silver lining in most things and this is no exception. If my March had gone to plan I never would have made a fun comic book magnet!

Before this work week madness in a misguided rush of inspiration, I decided to ‘spring clean’ all of my craft supplies. I was thinking it would be fun and helpful to organize what I thought was two maaaaaaaybe three boxes of supplies. Like an absolute idiot, I hadn’t realized I had six full boxes of jumbled up supplies. I only realized the extent of my hoarding once I had started to dump them one by one out onto my bed… At 11 pm. Just kept finding more and more and more under my bed and in the back of closets. Thus I was forced to tidy them up if I wanted to sleep in my bed. Am I a little mad at Marie Kondo? Yes, a little, but I am mostly mad at myself. 

While I was powering through the chaos I found not one but two full bags of these glass beads. Lesson learned the mess was at a level where I was duplicate buying the same things and not even realizing it. TBH I had forgotten I had either of these glass beads and was thinking I should go pick some up. *eye roll at myself* All this to say going into this work-a-thon week I had no time but oh so many glass beads. Perfect situation to make up some comic book magnets!

Quick enough of a project you can do it in bed in your PJs right before you go to sleep and it requires glass beads. Which, if you remember, I had a TON of. You can use any photos or images you want. I’ve had this Archie comic that I’ve been hoarding to do something with. Don’t ask me why we’ve already established I don’t make good choices. Enough bunny trails lets get into this project.

What You’ll Need:

  • Glass Beads (Duh!)
  • Scissors
  • Gluestick
  • Magnet
  • Photos or Images

The first place to start is finding the pictures you want to be on your magnets. I sat in bed reading an Archie comic before bed bookmarking all the dumbest faces I could find. Let me tell you it was both relaxing and hilarious. 

Once you have the pictures you want for your comic book magnet just cut them out and trim to fit the glass bead. Glue them down onto the bottom of the glass bead. Repeat for as many of your plentiful glass beads as possible. I just used a glue stick but if you wanted more security a stronger glue can be substituted. 

Allow the glue to dry a little bit before attaching the magnet. I had a stripped magnet from my fridge that I just cut to fit the beads and then glued on! If you don’t have a handy magnet lying around you can buy packs of circular magnets from a dollar store or craft store. Really the hardest part of this project is making sure you stick the magnets on the correct way so they will adhere to your fridge. But if you mess this up as I did just peel the magnet off and try again. 

If you want to try this project but don’t have the glass beads hit me up because I have just so so many. Sharing is caring! Also taking some glass beads off your friend’s hands when they are overrun with them is also caring!

Really if you can cut and glue while you hang out in your PJs you can make some comic book magnets! 
