IKEA DIY: Marble Planter

IKEA DIY: Marble Planter

I am that person that could walk around IKEA every day. Seriously, every day. Cinnamon bun in hand planning out the place I’ll never be able to afford in Vancouver. One of my many IKEA strolls brought me across this cute little planter.

Way back when I used marble contact paper from the dollar store to decorate a student film set. I was maybe a little too proud of how it looked and I’ve been wanting to do another project with it ever since. However, this time around I Could. Not. Find. It. Anywhere. I spent pretty much a whole day going store to store trying to find this stuff. Ended up caving and bought it from Amazon. Just do that. It’s so much easier.

I have no idea why I thought I needed glue for this project. Since it’s contact paper and it’s sticky. So ignore the glue, but you need the rest.

Paint the wooden legs (brackets?). As an additional step, I would use a high gloss spray paint just to seal everything. Placing the contact paper can be a little tricky since the planter is angled. I cut out a strip slightly wider than the planter and used it to cover one long and one short side. This left just one awkward uncovered piece. I call it a win since it was on a small side in the corner.

I was feeling super motivated and I wasn’t sure the feeling would last. So I recruited my mom and in the dark, we dug up some of the mint that grows rampant in our yard.

Pretty fancy.  Plus I’ve got so much contact paper left over so the possibilities are endless. Also, I don’t have to walk to my front yard if I want mint.
