DIY: Tassels

DIY: Tassels

I see so many cute outfits and accessories with tassels and think “hmm I could make that.” and then never do. But today that all changes! Today I get off my butt and give these DIY tassels a go.

In my heart, I am an 80-year-old so I already had a ton of embroidery thread for my cross stitching. But most craft stores carry it for a couple dollars. Plus they come in every colour you can dream of. For this DIY you just need your embroidery thread, scissors, and this is non-essential but I also used small metal jewellery links.

To start you will need two pieces of string. For the first piece wrap the string around your fingers to have a series of loops. If you are making multiple tassels and want them to be the same size make sure you loop each piece the same amount of times. I wrapped the string around my fingers 10 times. The second piece just needs to be about 3 inches long. I attached the metal link in the middle but if you don’t have one just tie a loop into the middle of the string.

Lay the loops over the middle of the single piece of string and tie two tight knots.

Fold the loop down in half so it starts to resemble a tassel. Next cut another piece of string and wrap it all around the folded loop near to the top. Once you’re done tie the piece together in a tight knot.

You should end up with what looks like a tassel that is just having a rough time at life. But it took me a couple tries to get this right, so don’t sweat it if yours looks even worse. Just scrap it and try again. Until you end up with this odd looking thing. Cut open the loops and trim the tassel until its pretty even. Then, much like the metamorphosis of a strange looking caterpillar that strange looking lump of thread becomes a gorgeous tassel. Once I figured this DIY out I really went to town, probably going to go buy more thread for my cross stitching because it all became tassels.

I love that these tassels can be thrown on any necklace, bracelet, hair elastic, keychain, and what have you. This DIY tassel necklace is my current favourite. I wear it all the time.
