Bill Murray Christmas Cards

Bill Murray Christmas Cards

There is something so simple and lovely about getting letters in the mail. If I had the money for it I would buy all the cute and quirky cards to send to my friends. But I don’t. It can add up pretty quickly to send off the fun cards you want. So this year I decided I try making my own Christmas cards and see how it went.

My idea behind the design was to combine two things I think are great. Bill Murray and puns.

First I found a bunch of pictures of the one and only Bill Murray and used the Sketch Master App to make it look like a hand drawn picture. I wish I could just bust out a sketch whenever but I don’t have those skills. I more just do stick figures.

I printed out a sample of each image. Initially, I thought I would use all of these and make each card different. However, once they were printed out it was clear some just didn’t look great. I settled on the one I liked the best and printed out a couple pages of the one I selected.

Once I was happy with this print out I went to the dollar store and bought:

-Plain Cards with envelopes

-Red sheets of paper

-Cotton balls

Cut these little guys out and glue them down on the plain cards. Then trace out some Santa hat shapes out of red paper and glue those down. The last step is to glue a strip of cotton across the brim of the hat and a little pom pom at the end of the hat.

Inside I wrote ‘Murray Christmas’ and forgot to take a picture of it. But it’s in there along with a personal message to the recipients.

The only thing left to do it pop them off in the mail!

If you want to try this yourself here is a pdf of the pictures I used:  Murray Christmas 

