Best of September 2021

Best of September 2021

Here we go this might be a long one! What can I say? September was a really nice month for me. No that I did anything especially exciting but there were just lots of small wonderful things. I think that’s what I am noticing the longer I do these lists it’s taking note and remembering all the little things that really make for a good month. Without blabbing on more here are my best of September 2021. 


Best News Out of Sweden in September 2021


A couple of years ago Spotify let me know that my most played artist of the year was the Swedish dream team: ABBA. Now, I understand I don’t earn cool points with this revelation but life is far too short to pretend not to love the things that you love. I love ABBA. So, when I heard they were releasing NEW MUSIC! I am over the moon! I’ve put in days worth of listening hours so having new material to digest is very exciting! 


Best Skills of September 2021


I think in general terms I am a pretty capable person.. except when it comes to cars. I’ve figured a lot of things out but care are still a mystery to me. I’d like to understand more ( so I’m not intimidated by Mechanics). I’ve changed a tire once in my life under the strict guidance of my grandfather. He had all the knowledge and I wasn’t going to leave him hanging so I got to it. However, doing something once especially with someone walking me through every step isn’t enough to make me feel confident in the skill. Fast forward to this month when my Dad was scrapping his car but wanted to change the tires over to my car. Going through the motions again brought back all the knowledge and it was just really incredible to change all the tires with my Dad. At the end of it I felt totally confident being able to change a tire by myself. 


Best Coffee of September 2021


Platform 7 Coffee

With the pandemic it’s taken me awhile to realize how much I missed the casual ability to just be in a coffee shop and be unbothered. Just sitting there eating a muffin and reading a book without having to think about public health measures. Now we aren’t at a place yet where that is a reality again. BUT I went with a friend to Platform 7 Coffee, where I have never been before, and they have the most adorable little garden space behind the shop! I lived in this area for several years and never knew about this place. Since it’s outside and all the tables are distanced from each other it felt so casual and carefree. Plus it’s always nice to catch up with friends and drink a nice cup of decaf.  


Best Snack of September 2021


Is it summer without a S’more? Doubtful. I’ve somehow blazed through summer without having one. Maybe because there weren’t get togethers or camping this year. It didn’t cross my mind to go make some for myself. I know, sometimes I do some stupid things. Thankfully I have amazing friends with great outdoor spaces with fire pits. Even luckier they invite me over to make S’mores. Holy Moly I forgot how amazing S’mores are. I think I said “these marshmallows melt so perfectly.” about eight times. Do something nice for yourself and make a S’more just for you! You deserve a S’more. 


Best Sharing of September 2021


At this point I’ve been making these lists for 9 months and for the first time someone reached out to me to tell me how much they liked them! Not only that but she sent me a list of things she has been grateful of! It made my whole month! I’d love to hear what you all are grateful for! So, thank you Kat I appreciate you so much! And to everyone else enjoy this song Kat shared with me. 


Best Niche Website of September 2021


Abandoned Southeast

Now, tell me if I’m alone in this but I am obsessed with abandoned buildings. I spent a lot of my life living in a very small dirt road town that had a bunch of abandoned houses that, against my parents wishes, I would go exploring in. The temptation was too great so now I’m an adult that just wants to go snooping in old abandoned buildings. So this website is like crack to me! I have to stop myself from packing my life up and just driving to all these houses. The website is ABANDONED SOUTHEAST and it makes me so incredibly happy. If you’re weird like me you will also love this site. Please enjoy hours of browsing time. 



Best Tiki Related Items of September 2021


Geeki Tiki

Theres not much I can really say about this other than OH MY GOSH THESE ARE AMAZING! Combining geeky nerd culture with Tiki? Perfection! Some of these are going on my Christmas list for sure! Whats that? Which one is my favourite? It’s a tough choice but I have to go with Hellboy. Love, love, love them. 


Best TV Show of September 2021


It feels like its been quite awhile since I mentioned a TV show on these lists. I just haven’t really been into watching TV shows or movies recently. I don’t really find it relaxing or engaging at the moment so I’ve mostly been taking a break from it all. That was until I started playing history documentaries in the background while I was sewing. One video led to another and I stumbled across History Cold Case. I am pretty obsessed with this show. I will give a little *Disclaimer* some of these episodes are a real bummer. However there is still a beautiful dignity to giving these skeletons back their names, identities, or stories after so long. If you do watch it maybe don’t repeatedly bring it up at dinner with your family. If they are like mine they may not appreciate the subject matter over lasagna. 


Best Bling of September 2021 


Zaleska Jewelry

I have a bad habit of not allowing myself to spend any money on anything that is not an immediate necessity until I get so depressed and overwhelmed that I go on a spending spree and buy a bunch of stuff I don’t really want. In the past couple months this pattern has become clearer to me and I didn’t want to do this to myself anymore. So I’ve been really diligent in making and following a budget. A budget that allows me to spend my own money on things I want without guilt because I know that money is set aside and my bills and other necessary expenses are taken care of. Reminding myself that I can be financially responsible while also allowing myself to spend money on things that make me happy. So that’s what I did this month. I have been eyeing this ring for so long and initially planned on buying it a a reward for a successful Me Made May. That obviously didn’t happen but this month I decided to stop putting things off and just finally buy it. So I did and I have absolutely no regrets! I love it so much and, just like all of their pieces, is stunningly gorgeous. The band itself feels slightly Nordic and reminds me of some of my Grandmothers jewelry from Norway, and the stones remind me of a mermaid. Really its just wonderful and I’m glad I bought it for myself. 


Best Restaurant of September 2021 


Park Crest Diner

My Dad and I rather impulsively decided to go for breakfast one Saturday and he took me to this magical place called the Park Crest Diner. I want to eat here every single day! It feels like a true late 60’s early 70’s diner that has not been changed since it was built. It doesn’t look like a new place they are trying to make look retro. It’s not often I stare at the table tops of a restaurant but I sure did at this place. The menu is simple and straight forward and the staff are so friendly. I loved every second of being in there. 


Best Celebration of September 2021


best celebration of September 2021

Back in July part of my Dads family were in a very serious car accident. Sadly their Grandmother did not survive the crash and recovery has been a long journey that is still happening. This month we were able to get together with all except one of my cousins to celebrate a birthday. I’m so incredibly grateful to be able to be with these people still and to celebrate them. Also the Ube cupcakes were pretty good too. 

If you want to support them in their journey and get updates you can do so here: 


So there you go! That was my best of September 2021. There is a lot to be grateful for this month and I hope you enjoy this list. Also please let me know the things that are the best things in your month! Let’s share the joy. 



p.s. If you want to see where it all started read my first ‘Best of’ post from back at the beginning of the year: Best of January 2021