Actually Easy Bread Recipe

Actually Easy Bread Recipe

Carbs All Day, Every Day

First Off, I am not good at baking. I once made sugar cookies without sugar. Real story. So when this recipe said easy I still assumed it was beyond my skill level. But last night I decided on a total impulse to go for it. After sugarless sugar cookies, I figured I couldn’t sink any lower.

Basically, you get flour, salt, and dry activated yeast and throw it all in a bowl. Whisk it all together.

Next step add water. The original recipe said not lukewarm but not scalding and then gave a real temperature.I am not that fancy and it just stressed me out. So I let the hot tap run for awhile and assumed it was all good.

At this point, the downside of impulse making bread with no preparation late at night emerged. You are now supposed to cover your dough with plastic wrap and let sit for 8-18 hours so it can rise… But I had no plastic wrap. Absolutely none. As I already said I am NOT fancy. So I got a plastic bag and tied it over the top of the bowl… Yuup.

BEHOLD this majestic innovation. I was not confident this substitution would work. So I went to bed and let it rise.

8 Hours Later

Surprise! the dough had actually risen like it was supposed to! Side note I am a fan of recipes that tell you to punch it. Like this one! You flour up your hands and punch down the dough. Plop it all down on a lightly floured sheet of parchment paper.

I am not a morning person so I totally forgot to take pictures of any of these steps. Anyways, next, you warm up a dutch oven pan at 450F for 30 minutes while you let the dough rise a second time. (ideally covered in plastic wrap or a plastic bag if you don’t have it) Then you place the dough and parchment paper into the dutch oven and bake it.

Watch a couple episodes of Life in Pieces and TA! DA! it’s done.

It’s real bread! It looks like bread, it tastes like bread. I was so stoked I may or may not have yelled “Mutha F**** I made BREAD. I am invincible!”

If you want to try this out for yourself check out Girl vs Dough  This is the recipe I followed!

TRUST Me, if I can make this bread, you can make this bread.

