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The Year of Crafting: Bookbinding

The Year of Crafting: Bookbinding

I love that in the process of sharing about my year of crafting friends will come along and join me in the crafts that appeal to them. Just so with bookbinding! My lovely friend Jil was just as excited about it as I was. So 

Scavenger Smoothie

Scavenger Smoothie

On the illustrious road of trying to be a successful adult who eats well and saves money, I stumble more times than I run. Case in point I got so excited about returning from vacation and buying my own groceries that I spent all my 

Spring Reading Wishlist

Spring Reading Wishlist

Truthfully, my TBR list is so large even I think it’s time to chill on the book-buying. However, I am a book goblin who is never satisfied and wants to have a massive hoard of books. I’m making a little blog post to balance these 

Re-Reading My Childhood

Re-Reading My Childhood

One of the things I love about my childhood is that my parents always valued the magic of reading. I remember so many wonderful adventures to our local library where I would pick up all the books I could carry. Books were read to us 

The Year of Crafting: Ceramics

The Year of Crafting: Ceramics

Month two into my year of crafting and this month the craft was ceramics! A catalyst for this resolution/goal was that I really wanted to take a ceramics class but it kept falling by the wayside. Back at the end of 2022 I started googling 

Birthday Book Haul

Birthday Book Haul

This year I turned thirty, I am trying to be a strong independent woman about it, but I’m just not there yet and I don’t really want to talk about it. What I will talk about is what I did for my birthday! I commandeered 

A Year of Crafting: Perfume

A Year of Crafting: Perfume

I love New Year’s resolutions, or as I tend to do them New Year’s Goals. I spent a lot of time trying to think of the best goal for 2023. It all came down to this question: What is it that makes me joyful to 

TBR Pile…And So It Begins

TBR Pile…And So It Begins

I love buying books. I really love buying books. Whether it’s shiny new books with untracked spines and promotion stickers that are too difficult to peel off on the front or well-worn volumes you get for $2 at a thrift store. I love them all. 

Learn to Sew for Winter

Learn to Sew for Winter

I’m sure most people think how they learnt to do something is the best way, and I am no different. Aside from one class in grade 6 and some pointers from my mom, I taught myself how to sew. What kept me inspired was sewing 

Budget Bookish – Thrift Store

Budget Bookish – Thrift Store

If you’d asked me a couple of years ago if I bought books at the thrift store you’d probably see my eye twitch. Browsing the scrambled shelves of a thrift store is a skill that needs developing. Or at least that was the case for