Let’s Have a Tea Party

Let’s Have a Tea Party

Spring in BC is an emotional roller coaster. One day it will be gorgeous and sunny and you believe summer is just around the corner. The next day the skies try to drown out the whole province with rain (maybe snow). I guess I shouldn’t really complain because it could be worse, we could be in eastern Canada. But, it can get gloomy.

But you know what always always ALWAYS makes grey gloomy rainy days better? Tea Parties! Who doesn’t love feeling kind of fancy and eating yummy food? The idea came up randomly and we all just kind of ran with it. A couple days after the initial conversation with my friend Katrina and here we are! Tea Party time!

Katrina and I have this issue where we never feel like we’ve made enough food. So we had mini sandwiches and cookies coming out our ears! Probably the best problem you could ever have.

Katrina, as well as hosting, oversaw our sandwich and scone courses. shrimp and cucumber sandwiches that were just perfect. I probably ate fourteen and I have no regrets. We really wanted to have Devonshire cream on our scones. So we wandered the Tesco section in Save-On-Foods forever. Hoping against hope we just missed seeing it. Eventually threw in the towel and then went store to store desperately searching. I wish I could describe the joy as well as the look on our faces when we finally found it. I think the patrons and employees thought we were a bit bananas. That didn’t matter though because we had Devonshire cream and everything was right in the world again! I feel like I now can’t have a tea party without Devonshire cream. My tea party game has been bumped up.

I made sugar cookies as well as macarons. The macarons in this picture were bought and brought by a lovely lady who attended. NOT the ones I made. The ones I made looked a lot sadder but still tasted alright. The cookie recipe I use is from: Best Rolled Sugar Cookies

Everyone who came brought something delicious to share! It was such a lovely day and brought some much-needed sunshine into an otherwise dreary day. Seriously, when everyone pitches in it’s a piece of cake.

Cheers to everyone who came out and made this tea party so amazing!