IKEA DIY: Corkboard

IKEA DIY: Corkboard

For quite a while I’ve been looking for a corkboard to help me be more organized. I need all the help I can get in this department. Once I started looking for one I was surprised at how expensive they could be. Maybe I was just looking in all the wrong places. I couldn’t even find one at a thrift store! If you have a hook up for reasonably priced cork boards let me know! But in the meantime, these are a cheap alternative and take pretty much no time to make. 

IKEA’s aptly named HEAT trivet is ideal for two reasons. Firstly, it’s cork. Enough said it’s the proper material we need. Secondly, three trivets are $4.99! Take that Winners and you’re $34.99 arrogance. As an unrelated little side note this past week I organized my craft supplies. I fully believed I had next to no fabric and few supplies. Jokes! I have an overflowing box of fabric plus another one of supplies. For this project, I still only needed a tiny amount of fabric so Woo Hoo! I have SO MUCH fabric to use later on. I actually used the shoulder pads from the Fantastic Mr Fox Jacket I made before. The colour was beautiful and it made me feel better about hoarding the shoulder pads I cut out of my thrift finds.  I may need help but that’s a problem for another day. 

I didn’t really measure out the fabric. Just sew up four tubes of about the same width and make sure they are about three inches long. Should go without saying if you want a more uniform polished look just do the exact opposite of what I say. Measure the fabric so all the strips are identical.

Here is where I got a little sketchy with the corkboard DIY. In that whole big box of craft supplies, I didn’t have glue. Big craft fail. Do you know what I did have though? about five things of tape, just so much tape, all the tape. I trust in Gorilla tape, so I went for it. Just slapped some strong tape on and this project is done! These have been hanging on my wall now for a decent amount of time and don’t show any signs of falling off. Yay for Gorilla glue! 

Lastly, hang them up and enjoy looking back on some great summer memories! Looking at my life I probably should have changed one of these into a ‘To Do’ corkboard. I started making this DIY corkboard to get more organized but that’s a project for another day. 
