DIY: Pyjama Pants!

DIY: Pyjama Pants!

Back when Naomi and I were looking into making scrunchies suggested a next good project was to make pyjamas (pajamas?) pants as they were essentially ‘scrunchies with legs’. We laughed about this for much longer than was necessary. We then thought, Meh maybe we could make pyjama pants? 

Our local little fabric store has a really great discount section where we found this pretty pastel fabric as well as ribbon, a measuring tape, a pin set, and these cute scissors that look like a bird! We didn’t need all of these things but we still bought it. All we needed really was 1 meter of fabric and some elastic, the rest was for funsies.

I’ll be honest sewing is one of those things that makes me really nervous. I have really high hopes and maybe get a little too ambitious with the projects I attempt. Me sewing generally involves a lot of loud sighing, stress headaches, some swearing and eventually throwing things until my mom comes and helps me. Knowing this I still keep wanting to try. It is one of those things I do want to get better at. This seemed like a really great first step into a sewing journey. Might allow me to actually make something I want to use and be able to make it well enough I can actually use it. Fingers crossed it doesn’t turn out completely awful. A pleasant side note this project was an excuse to say scrunchies with legs an extravegant amount of times. And we did, a lot. 

You will need two pieces of fabric. For the first piece fold your pants with the front together and trace out an outline with a seam allowance, I did about an inch with extra for the top waist. Then fold your pants with the backs together and trace out another outline. While you are tracing out the outline make sure you stretch out the waistband as far as it goes and before adding your seam allowance. This will make sure it stretches over your butt. A most ideal thing for scrunchies with legs to do. 

Spent a long time trying to describe the last step in this process. Couldn’t quite find the words so I settled for these super fun time exciting and pretty drawings. (Only after the fact did it occur to me that I could have made these little drawings in ANY colour. Still chose grey scale.) With your two pieces still folded with the right sides together sew the outer sides. The part of your pants on the outside of the leg if that helps.

Unfold your pieces and put the two pieces right sides together and sew along the crotch pieces.

Sew along the inside leg pieces.

At this point, the project looks totally awful. So if your project looks like this as well don’t worry! 

Fold up and pin a hem on both leg holes of your pyjama pants. Measure out the amount of elastic you’ll need. Then fold down the waistband to make room for the elastic to go. When you sew the waistband make sure you leave a space to string through the elastic. If you have a safety pin use that to make it easier to get the elastic through. If you don’t you can improvise like me! Sew both pieces of elastic together and then sew the space closed.

Naomi and I found this super super super cute ribbon on clearance. Obviously, it had to come home with me. Line up the middle of the ribbon with the stitch, pin it in place, and sew that down.

These look like old-timey little pantaloons and I am obsessed! I laughed for a really long time looking at these. But also I MADE PANTS! real pants! I was really sceptical about my abilities here but this really is a good introduction project. Might even try it a few more times cause you CANNOT have enough pyjama pants.