Pastel Manicure – Spring Bucket List

Pastel Manicure – Spring Bucket List

I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve had my nails professionally done. I’ve enjoyed it every single time I’ve had them done but I am cheap and don’t like talking on the phone to book appointments. Also up until recently, my jobs were either too harsh on my nails to spend money on them or else they weren’t allowed. I still wanted some pretty nails for spring but I’m still cheap and still hate talking on the phone so there was only one solution, I must do it myself!


We are not re-inventing the wheel here, keeping themes simple or if you will *basic*.  A spring pastel manicure was the only idea I had when thinking up what to do with my nails. Pastels for spring? Revolutionary. All snark aside I don’t believe there is anything wrong with going with the classics if that’s what makes you happy. So that’s what I am doing!


The Concept



I usually do some research to figure out what the concept of a project will be however, this time I knew what I wanted immediately. My nails have always been frail and break and flake all over the place. While I would have loved to have long beautiful nails they, unfortunately, all broke so they were trimmed really small. Figured I would embrace the state of my nails instead of being upset about it and paint a cute pastel manicure.


I usually keep my nails pretty basic so I wanted to switch things up a bit by doing a bunch of different colours instead of just a plain manicure.


The Colours

Sally Hansen Pastel Nail Polishes on a field of grass with daisies


We live in a time of plenty when it comes to nail polish availability. My goodness, there are a lot of them! Took quite a while to actually choose the colours for my pastel manicure. Lucky for me I brought my sister with me because I could not make a decision on my own.


Side note: Does Sally Hansen need this many different types of nail polish? Feels a bit excessive. I truly thought I had purchased a bunch of different brands. It wasn’t until I went to write down all the specific colours that I noticed they were all Sally Hansen.


Sally Hansen Nail Polish Vegan Sun-Tastic

YELLOW – Sally Hansen (Vegan)  Sun-Tastic 2 Coasts


Sally Hansen Neon Lemon-Chillo

GREEN – Sally Hansen (Neon) Lemon-Chillo 3 Coats


Sally Hansen Insta Dry Gain Mo-Mint-Um

BLUE – Sally Hansen (Insta Dry) Gain Mo-Mint-Um 2 Coats


Sally Hansen X-treme Lacey Lilac

PURPLE – Sally Hansen (X-treme) Lacey Lilac 1 Coat


Sally Hansen X-treme Tickled Pink

PINK – Sally Hansen (X-treme) Tickled Pink 2 Coats


The Final Product

Sally Hansen Spring Pastel Manicure


I am over the moon with this spring pastel manicure! It’s a different look for me. (You can judge me I am aware these are very tame nails but it’s a jump for me). I will be rinsing and repeating this look all spring! The only thing I’ll change is to either get a greener green or just move around the placement of the yellow. While they are different colours when they are right next to each other they tend to blend. 


Do you have go-to nail designs? I’d love to hear about them!


Happy Spring!







Want to see more fun things I’ve done with nail polish? Check them out here: Mostly Doing Okay: Nail Polish