It’s Pi(e) Day!

It’s Pi(e) Day!

Today is one of the best days in the calendar year! It’s Pi(e) Day! I love pie, all kinds of pie. March 13th (3.14) is dedicated to flaky pastry filled with delicious filling. Both sweet and savoury are good in my books.

I’ve been surprised in this last year that I can actually bake some things that turn out! But with a hectic schedule I let this pie day be real laid back. By this I mean I didn’t try to make pie crust from scratch. (that might have killed me)

I also totally forgot to take pictures of making the pie filling. But I just put a huge can of peaches, a splash of vanilla, a splash of bourbon, and some brown sugar into a pot. Let it simmer until you’re happy with the consistency. I added some corn starch to thicken the filling up a little.

Like I said I wasn’t about to try making pie crust, maybe some day I will, so I bought tart shells pie crusts. Separate the tart shells on a tray and let them thaw a little before filling them. Fill the shells most of the way up.

I rolled the pie crust out and I planned on cutting them into strips to make a cute lattice for the tarts. This was a mistake and hella difficult. So I did it for one tart and then gave up and cut out little pie crust hearts to go on top.

Mix an egg with some water for an egg wash to go on top of the hearts. This will make it flaky and golden. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Eat your heart out and celebrate Pi(e) Day!