Best of March 2021

Best of March 2021

I really had my resolution challenged this month. I struggled to find the positive side this month, and then to end it off we went back into stricter lockdowns. March offered the first hopeful feelings of spring and if I am being honest it feels like those hopes have all been dashed. Couple that with the realization that I’ve spent an entire year dealing with covid and all the fear and uncertainty that comes with that. Everything feels very heavy and I am tired. Still pushed through and found ten things that made me happy this month. If you are also having a hard time I hope you enjoy my best of march 2021!




Oxford Pennant

While researching a product my work sells (Tame the Mane Pennant) I stumbled across Oxford Pennant. This company makes retro-inspired wool pennants, flags, and banners in the United States. There is something so funny to me about this. Pennants showcase specific places or sports teams you admire so to make one that just says ‘this place sucks’ makes me laugh. I think I need one for my room. TBH after all this isolation in my house, it resonates with me.




pink and purple gin and tonic in a large glasspurple and pink Gin and Tonic

BEFORE we weren’t allowed to indoor dine my best friend brought me to The Blind Rabbit. The Blind Rabbit is a magical place that only serves G&Ts and appies. HELLO, THIS IS MY DREAM! It works as a build your own G&T. There is an entire page of different types of gin, many tonics, and different toppings to mix and match. I wish I could remember what exact combo made this pink and purple dream but I had a couple of different mixes before this and I can’t remember what it was anymore. I’m really hoping this place is still open when these new restrictions are over. It’s a gem of a place and I’ll definitely be seeing how I can support them in these upcoming weeks.




Amazon Prime Truth Seekers

Really had no idea what to expect from this show I was just feeling bored and saw the always fantastic Pegg/Frost duo so I started watching. I was immediately hooked and binged this entire show in two days! In truth, I am really a scaredy-cat when it comes to movies so I don’t normally like jump scares or suspense. Somehow this show balanced those aspects so perfectly with humour and heart. Truth Seekers tells the story of Gus (Nick Frost) who is a broadband installer by day and a paranormal investigator by night. I should warn you ahead of time that there is only one season, queue weeping, and has not been renewed for a second season. Still, this one season is funny and well worth a watch. Writing about it is making me want to rewatch it!




Teal jersey fabric with ostriches

If you think I am over Percy the Ostrich and his valiant efforts in a spaghetti eating contest you are wrong! It still makes me smile just thinking about this story. (You can read more about it here in my Best of January 2021) When I went on my weekly stroll through the fabric store I spotted this teal ostrich fabric and knew I needed it. Anything that reminds me of Percy the Ostrich is a highlight.




Singin in the Rain on a drive in screen

If you haven’t been to a drive-in movie I can not recommend it enough. If that drive-in also happens to be playing your absolute favourite musical Singin In the Rain that even more of a bonus. The Twilight Drive-In is implementing safety precautions to safely operate in this pandemic. My family and I loaded up on snacks beforehand and watched Singin In the Rain in the rain. It’s a real mood booster to get out and do something fun while being confident you’re still following the provincial guidelines.




Honey Bee Centre Beehive
I’m actually pretty freaked out by bees. I support what bees are doing for the world but I get stung in the weirdest ways so I try and avoid bees. However, this march we got the opportunity to go and film at the Honey Bee Centre. This place is amazing and they are doing so much for BC farmers. Fears had to be pushed aside to get an up-close look at a beehive. No regrets it’s one of the coolest things I’ve done this year and I learnt so much! They are still open with some changes to how they normally operate ( The hilariously named Beestro is unfortunately closed for the moment)


Blueberry Honey

While you are there make sure you pick up some local honey. It’s drool-worthy on scones with melted butter.  Please send me your honey recipes because I am on the hunt for more!




patel coloured stickers of forest animals doing yoga

Sometimes the things that make me happy are simple and significant. LIKE THESE AMAZING STICKERS! I spent a solid amount of time laughing at these in the store. These animals are just delightful. The little cat looks so confused about how he landed up in a spacesuit. I love it.




Closet full of yellow clothes on hangers

I have to confess I think I really failed at this challenge but I’m still happy I did it and totally enjoyed seeing everyone else’s posts about it. The challenge was created by Katie Kortman and you can read all about it and get inspired by her amazing creations on her blog Katie Kortman Blog. Katie breaks down the month of March into weeks and each week is given a colour. Participants are challenged to create outfits from their wardrobe in the colour of the week. Through it all Katie gives tips and educates about basic colour theory.

While doing this challenge I realized most of my clothes are black, white, and blue. So I didn’t end up wearing a ton of colour and I also realized I don’t like wearing all the colours. (Sorry yellow) I have to admit while it wasn’t always my cup of tea I can’t deny the mood boost of adding more colour to my day. I want to create more colourful clothing for myself but in tones I like more than what I currently have. Looking at my clothes through a different lens is informative and actually made me pair down my wardrobe. Actually wearing clothes I made helped me find the ones I loved and the ones I was actually ok with getting rid of.

If you need some inspiration definitely check out the hashtag #WearHappyColor on Instagram.





There are quite a few things I geek out about but I’ve never been a comic book reader.  I make an exception for Mike Mignola’s Hellboy. Hellboy is my all-time favourite ‘super hero’ if you could apply that term. Thank goodness suggested ads finally came through for me and showed me this Kickstarter campaign: Mike Mignola Drawing Monsters. Other than supporting a few friends short film projects I’ve never backed anything on Kickstarter before. This is on my ‘best of list’ for a couple of reasons. 1) I love Hellboy and I want to watch this documentary so so badly! 2) It feels so nice to have a future thing to look forward to. The reality of being in a pandemic for over a year and not being able to plan or hope for future things is hitting me really hard. So knowing I have this in the future has really helped me.



Poirot Spoonflower Fabric

Back at it again with the Spoon Flower love! This website really does have fabric for anything you can think of. One of my all-time favourite things to do is watch David Suchet as Hercule Poirot while I drink tea. I’ve watched all 11 seasons multiple times. I will watch all seasons again… probably soon.

I’m now just dreaming up what I can make with his Poirot fabric. Also trying to stop myself from wallpapering my room with this design. If you’re also obsessed with this Belgian detective you can buy yourself some fabric here: Toile De Christie.


I hope you all had some bright things in march. Here is to hoping April is better. 
