10 Thing to do in a Pandemic

10 Thing to do in a Pandemic

Yay for Social distancing and doing our part to flatten the curve of the Covid19 virus! I’m proud of us all but I think we can all agree no one was really prepared for what Quarantine, Self Isolation, or Social distancing would be like. Fear not I’ve made a list of 10 things to do while dealing with this bizarre AF  pandemic situation.


Number 1: Stare into the Abyss


Let’s face it you’re going to do it anyway. Enduring a pandemic isn’t going to come without some existential dread. I’d recommend getting this out of the way as early as possible. Personally I like to wake up, face the dread and uncertainty I’m feeling, have a nice cup of tea, then get on with my day.


Number 2: Do a Relaxing Face Mask


How many times during a hectic work week did you wish you had some R&R time? For me almost every day. Guess what, NOW WE DO! Sure, the reason why completely sucks but take advantage. There are lots of self-care things you can do but masks are the best. Why you might ask. Well, because face masks take very little effort to do but feel like you’ve done a lot for yourself. I’m lucky to have some amazing friends that make the best deep cleaning Clay and Coal Mask


Number 3: Start a New Hobby

If you’re like me then so often what stops me from trying out a new hobby or learning a new skill is that I’m afraid I’ll be bad at it and people will judge me. That’s why this is the perfect time to try something new! People are way too concerned with the pandemic to even notice how much you suck at playing the guitar! Everyone is too invested in Covid19 stats to care about how many times you burn a dish before you get it right. The collective conscious is occupied with hand sanitizer and face masks they won’t notice how wonky the first thing you knit will be. Try something you’ve always wanted to. You never know, maybe you’ll be really good at it.


Number 4: Learn the Napoleon Dynamite Dance

Don’t lie, you’ve always wanted to. If you’re going to be inside for a while take a break from the Netflix binge and get moving! Yeah, I know there are lots of great ‘real’ exercise videos you can do. None of these will be more fun than busting some nerdy moves to Jamiroquai. Here’s an awesome tutorial on YouTube: Napoleon Dynamite Dance for Beginners


Number 5: Write a List of All the Things You Love About Your Family

At some point, no matter how much you love them, you will want to kill them. Get ahead of the murderous impulses by reminding yourself how much you really like them.


Number 6: Watch All Three Seasons of ATLA

Simply because Avatar: The Last Airbender is the best show ever and you will not regret it! You have to get past the first two episodes that can seem a little slow but then it’s PURE CINEMATIC AND STORYTELLING GOLD! Mostly I want people to text about it and I’ve already annoyed the two people I know who’ve also watched it. All three season are on Netflix so get to it.


Number 7: Build a Fortress Out of  Hoarded Toilet Paper

What’s that? You didn’t because Canada’s supply chain isn’t affected and it’s only people hoarding that is making this a problem? Well good for you! In which case make a blanket fort and then just chill in there until you remember how completely AWESOME blanket forts are. Instant mood booster. Optionally eat all of your meals in there for added feelings of adventure. This is a Pandemic no one can begrudge you a blanket fort.


Number 8: Make Food Friends

Take a page out of Miranda Harts book and make yourself some new food friends. Optimize your new pals by coming up with elaborate backstories for each of them. (NOTE: this may make it harder for you to eventually eat them) If you’re feeling a little starved for company this is a great option to expand your social circle while still protecting the most vulnerable people in our society.


Number 9: Deep Condition Your Hair with Mayonnaise

It really does make your hair glossy and soft. Let’s face it we’re all inside not telling anyone all the weird stuff we’ve ended up doing to deal with the boredom. Come out of this looking like a sleek haired goddess and not like you’ve spent almost the entire time eating Cheez-Its and drinking cheap wine. No one needs to ever know you did, in fact, live off Cheez-Its they’ll be distracted by those glossy locks.


Talk about something other than the Pandemic

Make some time in your day to talk to people around you about something other than the pandemic. We’re surrounded by people with so many interesting stories and knowledge. Let’s make the best of a bad situation. Call your friends up, take time to have a drink with your family. Check-in with people and take care of each other. We’ll get through this pandemic.



P.S. If you need some Pandemic snacks I recommend this scrumptious Churro Popcorn